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2009-12-08 06:08:59
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blood and vampires

Town Vamp
Made by [Tis gone but never gone]

Welcome to Town Vamp ^vv^

This is a town for vampire and only vampire but something bad has happened the werewolves have moved into the town, now there is a war starting betweem them. They fight every night and day, many vampires and werewolves have died. Could a group of young vampires that are friends with young werewolves stop the fighting? Maybe? Who knows, but they need your help.

Vamps army
Weres army
Young Vamps & Weres rebels

1.No sex on this wiki, please go on Town Vamp R&R room for that but there is a password.Please ask me for it or if I'm not on please just skip time with your characters.
2.No being mean to anyone on this wiki.
3.When you are chanllege to a fight please go on Town Vamp fighting room for that, there is no password for it.
4.Please use proper english, no text talk and don't worry about spelling.
5. You can only have three characters each.
6.If you want to join please send a message to [Tis gone but never gone].

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2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max frowned, "No ones going to hurt you."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor is working out then he goes to saras room and slips an appology note under the door heading back to his room

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah was in the shower.

Michelle jumped and woke up and saw Max and she smiled,"Well hey there."

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max foruned and hugged her, "What where you dreaming about?"

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor takes off his clothes and takes a shower then checks his eyes in the mirror "I wonder if there always going to be this color now"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle hugged him,"Ummmmm....nothing much."

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max frouned and hugged her closer, "You didnt want someone to hurt you, tell me."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor gets dressed goign to the kitchen and grabes a bag of human blood drinking it

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle sighed,"I have this dream 3 or 4 times a week. It's about when I was six years old and I was walking though the wood behind my house and...." she hugged him tighter and hiding her face in his neck.

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah gets out the shower and gets dressed.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor grabs another bag and goes up to sarah's room

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max froend and held her closer, "And what?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"And I saw this...thing it growled at me and I fell back and begged it not to hurt me but it....was still moving towards me and then I screamed...and then nothing." She still couldn't remember what happened after that, she thought.

Sarah saw a note and picked it up and read it, then she shugged and put it in the bin.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor knocks

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max fornwed and rubbed he back, "It's OK." He bit his lip and hoght, Wolf

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"But I don't know what happeded after I screamed. The next thing I knew I was in my room."

Sarah,"Come in."

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled a bit, "Well you wernt hurt and it seemed to help you."

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle frowned,"Helped me how?"

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor opens the door and walks in "just thought I would bring you something to eat"

2009-11-03 [WASHACKED]: Max, "It didn't hurt you and put you back safly in your room." He bit his lip remember a memory simallar but him growleing

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nodded,"Yeah, your right." she smiled.

Sarah nodded.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor hands her the blood bag "Iam sorry I was just so hungry for blood and yours tastes so good"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah shugged and took the blood.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor touches sarahs shoulder "you can feed from me if that will help you?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"I have bagged blood, am good."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor pulls sara against him "I own you a blood debt I would like to settle it"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah pushes him back,"I do not want to drink your blood."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor looks into sarah's eyes "I still have to settle the debt though. untill I do that I won't be able to just leave you be"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah sighed,"Listen, I'm not aloud to because am not hurt in anyway and am not your lover.And plus I really don't want to drink your blood."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor shrugs "I still owe you a debt"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah sighed,"Then wait until am really hurt in the field of battle against the were's, okay?"

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "I have one request though please only wound they have family's just like you and lovers so please I bed you just wound them"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"What?"

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "when you fight just wound instead of killing besides that is more difficult isn't it" devor is looking into sarah's eyes his irises still red

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"If I just wound them, they will just come back and kill more vamps. It's better to kill them."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "how you you know they will come back if there shown superior force and you never know it may be just one pack that's causing all the trouble"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah sighed,"I kill them to protect my people and I will keep doing it. I'm not going soft on the were's, like Shell has."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor kisses sarah's cheek "she didn't go soft she see's them as people as well because they are"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah takes a step back,"I see them like that too. But I do what I must for my people."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor nods "would you treat one peacefully if they came to you peacefully?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"No."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "why not?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"Because I say so."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor nods "fine but if a peace can be reached will you fight to protect it?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"I will alway fight for my people in times of peace and war."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor nods "well may I have a hug?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"No."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor shrugs and kisses sarah's neck lightly

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah pushes him back and sighs,"Stop doing that."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "why should I stop doing that?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"Because I don't want you to."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor looks into sarah's eyes "do you have a lover?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"No.". Bastian, she thought.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor looks at her "is there some one your heart sill longs for?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah shugs.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor sits on sarah's bed "I just glad the cat isn't in here seeing as he dosen't like me"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah sighs,"Mika is at the vets with Cal right now."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor looks at sarah "will mika be ok?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"Mika is only there for a check up."

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor sighed "well thats good wouldn't want you to lose something you care about" devor thinks about the pendant and the arrow appears above the ring pointing to sarah again "so are you wearing the pendant I gave you?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah shugged.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: devor walks around to the other side of her and the arrow is still pointed at her "well I guess you have it on your person some where. just so you know you can always find me with that pendant or at the very least the ring Iam wearing"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah shugged again.

2009-11-03 [bronze dragon]: "sarah may I give you something else?"

2009-11-03 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"Why?"

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: "because I want to"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"What is it?"

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor takes out a small blood red stone "I just thought you may like this"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"Why?"

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: "well it reminds me of your lightning and how its what allowed me to regain some control over myself so I wanted you to have it" devor puts the stone into sarah's hand

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah shugs and puts it on the dresser.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor hugs sarah tightly

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah pushes him back.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles "at least you didn't shock me. you know you shouldn't be pushing away so aggressively people who want to be close to you"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"I do not want anyone close to me, ever."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles "well I do want to be close to you"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"Tough, I don't want you to be."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor grabs sarah's hand "thing is I plan on being here for you though"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah made her hand turn into lighting,"But I don't want you to."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor just holds her hand as he coats his in flames stopping it from getting shocked "you don't always get what you want"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah pulled her hand way.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor stops the flames "besides I enjoy spending time with you"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"Why?"

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: "because your the first person I met here and you also didn't react to badly when you found out what I was like some people I have met before. also you have even saved my life"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah sighed,"First I didn't react badly becuase your half vamp and second I only saved your life because your Shell's friend."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: "shell is kinda my friend but not really you know she wouldn't know if I just disappeared one day and never came back" devor is staring at the floor while sitting on the bed

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah sighed,"She would know if you disappeared, you know."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor shrugs "well would you notice?"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"Nope."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: "why is that sarah?"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah shugged,"Because I don't care about you."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: "so you only saved my life because your sister cares about every one she knows" devor looks over at sarah

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"Yep."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor looks at her "you also did it because you didn't want her to get hurt. you know you do have a caring heart"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"She is my sister, I have to care about her. If she got killed, my parents would be they'd be very upset about it. Me I would be pissed off and I would kill who very killed her." Just like she did with that were that killed....Bastian,she thought.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor looks at her "what are you thinking about?"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"Nothing."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: "really sure looked like you where thinking about something that displeased you"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"I was thinking of nothing."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor shrugs "well you know I will be here for you."devor smiles "I like you I hope you know that"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah rolled her eyes,"I really do not care."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: "I know" devor kisses sarah's cheek

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah pushed him away.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor wraps his arms around sarah "may I hold you for a bit withought getting shocked?"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah covered her body in red lighting,"No."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor just lets it shock him as he holds sarah tighter "I am going to pass out before I let go of you"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah turned up the power on her lighting.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor starts putting more of his weight on her as his body starts to spasm

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah puts more power into her lighting,"This is your last warning."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor is barely conscious and unable to say a word his arms loosely around sarah as he is collapsing on his feet

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"Told you so." she picked him up and put him in the blue room. Then she went to the gym.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor has burns on his body from where the electricity was touching him and is barely breathing

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah changed her mind and went for a swim.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor regains consciousness and heads to the pool his head still ringing

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah is doing some laps in the pool.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor turns on his flames then jumps into the water and keeps them going as he sits under water holding his breath

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah saw Devor and rolled her eyes and ketped swimming.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor stays under water in the pool warming it up

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah ketped swimmin in the pool.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor surfaces and lets his flames go out his burns are completely healed "that was painful"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah shugged,"I did warn you." she ketped swimming.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: "well thank you for taking me to the room Iam using for the time being. kinda not sure I should stay here though"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah shugged.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor is looking around "and I don't mean the house" devor sighs

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah shugged again.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor looks at sarah "why is it you don't care about any one who isn't related to you?"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah shugged,"Because they are nothing to me."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: "do you think any one could be something to you?"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"There was." she ketped swimming.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: "well what happened to them?"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"He got killed."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: "well I won't let that happen to myself. you know what happens when I get mortally wounded" devor sets the surface of the water aflame except where sarah is swimming

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"Stop that." she ketped swimming.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor keeps it up "what this is special training for me at least Iam not getting you with it"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah,"Whatever. Oh before I forget, how old are you?"

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor shrugs "why should that matter?"

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled back and nodded

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah stopped swimming and looked at him,"If you are under 21 you can not fight. So are you under 21 or not?"

Michelle looked at him,"I'm sorry about my little freak out."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor looks into sarah's eyes "I don't know been a few season's since I last saw a calendar"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah rolled her eyes,"There is a calendar inside the house."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor shrugs "I will check it later"

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled at her and rubbed her back, "It's OK."

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah started swimming again.

Michelle nodded,"Okay." she smiled.

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled back, "I'm betting I'll freack out on you once or twice."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor is thinking about just lieing and saying he is 21

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah ketped swimming.

Michelle,"Oh I don't believe you could freak out on me."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor swims over and kisses sarah "sorry your just so kissable"

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and shrugged, "You never know and somethings might freack me out."

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah frowned and pushed him away.

Michelle touched his face,"What would freak you out?"

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor kisses sarah's neck lightly

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at her, "You really want to know?"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nodded,"Yep."

Sarah sighed and pushed him away and got out the pool.

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max kissed her, "If you got hurt."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor looks at her then gets out of the pool using his flames to dry him self "you can say I was just leaving" devor heads to the changin room and changes back into his normal clothes

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiled,"Don't worry, I won't get hurt, Max." she kissed him back.

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Sarah went to her room and dryed off and changed.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor goes out side and changes to wolf form looking for elle

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and held her close as he kissed her again, "Thanks."

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle was at her parent's house crying in human form.

Michelle smiled and she put her arms around his neck,"Anytime."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor walks in in wolf form then turns in to his human for wrapping his arms around elle

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled more at her and nuzzled his face in her neck

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smile and held him closer.

Elle hugged Devor and cryed more.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor holds elle rubbing her back "I am here for you elle and so will my friends"

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and kissed her check

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiles and kissed his neck.

Elle nodded.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor holds elle closer to him and picks her up "so you want to head back to max's?"

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled more and kissed her lips

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle kissed him.

Elle shook her head.

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max kissed her back

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: "do you want me to stay here with you?"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle kissed him.

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled more and moved to her~

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle nodded.

Michelle cuddle closer to him.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor holds elle closer "well then I will stay but we will have to head back tomorrow ok?"

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and held her

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle nods.

Michelle smiled.

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor lays down with elle holding her close to him

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max, "You think we should get out of her for a bit, how long have we stayed in rooms now." He chukled

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle laughed,"Okay."

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle calmed down a bit.

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded gettting up and got dressed, "I'll take you shoping on me ok?"

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor rubs elle's back

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle smiled and got dressed,"Yay!"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle,"There....dead."

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled and pulled on his jacket, "That got you up."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: "Iam sorry elle I know what its like to find out" devor holds elle closer

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle holds him closer.

Michelle smiled and pulled on her top,"Yep."

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled more at her

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor closes his eyes rubbing elle's back "your lucky you still have people who will be there for you"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle went to his side smiled.

Elle nodded.

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max took her hand walking her to his car

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles and kisses elle's forehead

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle stops crying.

Michelle follows.

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max held the door for Michelle as she got in and got in himself after her staring the car, "Ok where you want to shop?"

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor smiles and holds elle

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle sighed.

Michelle thought about it," about the main high street."

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded, "OK, and get what ever you want."

2009-11-04 [bronze dragon]: devor holds elle "what do you want us to do?"

2009-11-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Elle shugged.

Michelle smiled,"Max, never say that to a girl, because we are really big shoppers."

2009-11-04 [WASHACKED]: Max chukled, "I know I had a few cozens."

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